8 Reasons Why Military Couples Have The Strongest Relationships


Look back at your relationship and think about the longest time that you’ve been apart from your significant other. Do you remember that anticipation you felt when you knew they would be coming home to you — even if it felt like a life-time away. It may feel like a challenge when you’re in a relationship with a military person,

8 reasons that explain why military relationships just may be the strongest bond one could hope for

  1. They Embrace the Need to Communicate

Because they are often deployed and can’t be with you, they understand how important it is to communicate with their loved ones. And when those emails or text messages feel monotonous, they are quite creative in that regards too!

  1. Keep the Passion Alive

Military folk have a certain burning passion inside of them, not just for their country but for their spouses as well. When you combine this with the conviction that they know their partner is doing what they have to do, it brings a strong sense of pride and desire.

  1. Patience Truly is a Virtue

The moment your spouse is deployed, you are faced with months of separation — sometimes without any form of communication to sate you. Military spouses understand this and they can maintain the home without falling apart. They understand that their spouse will contact them as soon as they can.

  1. Loyalty On New Levels

When you marry a military person, you will quickly learn that loyalty is important — both to you and them. They are a team, both serving the military — one at home and one on the battlefield. When these partners remain as loyal to each other as their commitment to the military, it is a beautiful thing.

  1. Supportive and Strong

A military spouse is able to dig deep within themselves that can help them get through another day without their loved one by their side. This strength and support is also important if there are children involved, as they will have to play both parental roles.

  1. Make the Best Out of Any Situation

Your partner is going to have to miss some important moments in life. You may experience birthdays, anniversaries, births, and other life events alone. It’s not because they don’t want to come, but it is because they are unable to attend. Military couples take this into consideration and are able to find ways to make up for lost time.

  1. Bevy of Supportive Friends

Military wives often turn to other military spouses for support and comfort when their spouse is away from home. They do this because the others know what they are going through. They can relate in a way that civilians can’t.

  1. Patriotic

By joining the military, you are already showing your support for the country and your patriotism is never questioned. By marrying a patriotic person, they do their part to show their patriotism, and show they support the military whenever they run charity events, auctions, volunteering, and other activities where the community can get involved.