So you find yourself in a situation where you are completely smitten over this guy and you want to make an introduction, but you aren’t entirely sure how to do it—especially if you know you aren’t the only one vying for his attention. We’ve come up with some adorable questions that you could ask him that would show that you’re interested, you’re witty, and you’ve got a personality.
Keep in mind, you’ll want to look and feel the part of an outgoing and courageous woman before walking up to some random guy and blurting out anything that comes to mind. You should always make an effort to look your best no matter where you go. You never know who you will run into and what kind of interactions it could lead to.
Also, you should always smile. A confident smile will open so many doors for you, you would be surprised how much of a difference it can make!
Now, on to those questions:
#1 Do you think we’d look cute together?
#2 Do I look like your next girlfriend?
#3 What do you feel like doing? Kissing or cuddling?
#4 Would you like me to ask you out?
#5 What would you like to do on our first date?
#6 Are you seeing someone else other than me?
#7 Can you help me to find a boyfriend who’s less than three feet away from me?
#8 Are you looking for your soul mate?
#9 If I told you I liked you, would that be too forward?
#10 What do you think about girls who make the first move?
#11 How often do you get told about how good you look?
#12 Is it just me or is it hot in here?
#13 Do you feel the same butterflies in your stomach that I feel when you talk to me?
#14 Would you like to be my friend and maybe even become my boyfriend in the foreseeable future?
#15 Can you please stop looking so adorable right now?
#16 Would you be excited if I asked you to be my boyfriend?
#17 Is there a way to get this relationship of ours started in the next few minutes?
#18 Do you believe in love at the first question about believing in love?
#19 Can you hold my hand so we can see how good we look together?
#20 Do I have the traits that you’re looking for in a girlfriend?
#21 Why are we single?
#22 Can you tell me how you want to be kissed?
#23 Is there a way for us to take this conversation to the next level, like with coffee, perhaps?
#24 Are you thinking about me now?
#25 Do you want to start with me in a rom-com relationship?